Wednesday 9 November 2016

SNP led Scottish Government shoot themselves in the foot yet again.

Once again proof of the democracy inept SNP Government making the wrong decisions

Making inept and rash decisions only to see later that they were mistakes is a trait of the SNP, its  a Government of very little talent and forward thinking, constantly shooting from the hip and making themselves look like the inept idiots they are a short while later. The biggest joke is that they say they are "Better for Scotland", please give the Nation a rest you are just a bunch of complete incompetent useless clowns.

Sturgeons announcement made only one day before the Presidential election
Sturgeon showing her complete lack of scenario forward thinking and democracy yet again. Only fools rush in they say.

Clearly another two ill conceived decisions made on blind personal emotion by Sturgeon that Scotland could pay a heavy price for now Trump has been elected US President. Isn't it time that Sturgeon and the SNP learnt to keep their big mouths shut in the interests of longer term democracy no matter their own personal feelings on matters ? That is the real measure of clever forward thinking Governments , something the SNP and Sturgeon have proven time and time again they certainly are NOT.
"Nicola Sturgeon has joined growing calls for the UK Government to consider barring under-fire tycoon Donald Trump from the UK."
"Ms Sturgeon has already stripped Mr Trump of his status as a GlobalScot business ambassador."

So Sturgeon..You aren't looking so bloody clever now are you hen ?  You are not  real "leader" material and never will be ...far "Too Wee and Too Stupid" in matters of World Politics.
Who is laughing now Sturgeon ?
LOL Indeed , another fine diplomatic mess made by incompetents

Bosom Buddies.
Best of Pals in past times

So are you sure about that ban Pal ?

So who is laughing now then ? "Better for Scotland " you idiot ?

A dangerous deluded fool speaks !!

Oh Dear ?  :-)  Typical from the disaster area that is the SNP.

How about respecting the result of the 2014 Independence Referendum Nicola  ? No ? I thought not. Just the usual platitudes from you as always. The SNP are the say one thing do another party. Cannot be trusted.

Trump’s victory is awkward for all sorts of people. However of all the politicians in Europe my guess is that it is Nicola Sturgeon who is having the worst day.

Her predecessor Alex Salmond was once one of Donald’s besties, but is now in the middle of a nasty public feud with him over his business interests here (Salmond at one point raised all our hopes by promising to move to Antartica if Trump won the US election). But the current Scottish government hasn’t exactly been particularly diplomatic when it comes to Trump either.

Transport minister Humza Yousaf told a Question Time audience last year that he’d punch Trump if he came across him as president (this was the practice question before the cameras started rolling, but it was – to me at least – still pretty shocking). Talk about populism! Humza is one of several ministers who supported a petition to ban Trump from entering Scotland.
And Sturgeon herself? Last year she stripped America’s president-elect of his role as a business ambassador for Scotland. He was, she said at the time, “no longer fit” for the position. She has also broken with protocol by publicly backing Hillary Clinton, and made it clear over and over that she just isn’t that into Trump.

So what now that the US population have decided that while Donald Trump might not be good enough for Nicola Sturgeon he is good enough for them? There’s major back-tracking ahead. But with any luck the Scottish government will have learned something of a lesson too.

Running countries isn’t like having a social media account. Self-righteous virtue-signalling is meaningless on Facebook. But it comes back to bite you if you are a first minister with a real parliament and real responsibilities.

Whole article can be found here