Wednesday 9 March 2016

Alison Rollo Brown : How "Too Wee and Too Stupid" can some Scots be ?

Alison Rollo yet again showing how she really is "too wee and too stupid" to see facts from fiction, yet again the deluded SNP followers have provided and are actually beleiving their own false propaganda to cover up the unfortunate truth that the SNP and Rupert Murdoch have always been hand in glove with Alex Salmond encouraging that relationship the best that he could over past decades.

Yes Alison YOU clearly really ARE that stupid, The Dandy was stopped being "printed" on paper in December 2012 and was stopped altogether online as well 6 months later, The Dandy NEVER ever was a tabloid sized comic   See Wikipedia  here 

There is also the unfortunate evidence below of SNP MSP John Nicolson confirming that the Photo of Nicola Sturgeon holding up the Sun as being very very real.

As for trying to say the Sun in England being different from the Sun in Scotland that's simply rubbish too 

Too Wee, Too stupid Nationalist Cybernat Alison Rollo (nee Brown ) doesn't seem to understand Mein Kampf often used in WingsoverScotland made up propaganda  for the Scots Nationalist Dafties as seen here  and also here ?  


There really is no limit to how childlike and stupid some Nationalists can be , this is probably the result of the weak minded spending too much time of their lives on Conspiracy Theory websites where people spend their time deceiving other gullible and equally stupid people with their ridiculous fantasy made up stories.

Would any "normal intelligent adult" jump to the conclusion that an Army lorry that probably came from Dreghorn Army barracks located directly behind the security fence at the back of the woods in this actual picture on the Edinburgh bypass would be carrying Nuclear Weapons ? There are no Nuclear Base's in Edinburgh , Faslane is on the opposite side of Scotland anyway on the West coast, anyone who thinks this sort of garbage is really needs to see a Psychiatrist ...and the sooner the better for the rest of the Nation's sakes. The people who have commented and "liked" the post here cannot be any brighter mentally and must suffer the same brain cell deficiency that the original poster suffers from.
Every Army Lorry spotted on the road networks isn't a Nuclear Weapons carrying one, the army have to move lots of Soldiers kit and supplies around to all its Army bases, the fact an Army base only 100 metres away from where this photo was taken might suggest something obvious to most people but not where stupidity and grievance mongering is concerned evidently.

Secondly why on Earth does the stupid woman think anyone is at risk from a imagined terrorist attack on a random ordinary army lorry ? Why do "Roads being devolved" have to do with anything at all ? Just all complete stupidity.

Two important facts for the intellectually challenged.

1: Nuclear Weapons are never carried as a complete item, but are transported dismantled in many different parts which are then transported separately on different convoys. So no Nuclear weapon can ever explode accidently because they simply are not transported in "ready to use" oe unsafe state. (most people would understand that as simple commonsense)

2: Nuclear items are carried in virtually indestructable containers that even a train or an  aeroplane can crash into without them being destroyed , damagedor leak. There never ever in the whole world has been any incident of terrorism or of any serious accident whilst transporting Nuclear materials. So the Womans comments here are simply childish stupid scaremongering and suggests a low IQ.

This website gives lots of details on how Nuclear items are carried and the superb World safety record of transporting these sorts of items. It also gives detailed descriptions of the containers and the Ships used to carry these items

Here are more "Real Facts"on Trident to counter the rubbish stated by this Woman and other Stupid people like her. 

Another Stupid MEME that Nats like to try to circulate is the one that the UK doesn't have full control of its own Nuclear Weapons and would need American permission first to use them.

This too of course is more "invented grievance" propaganda  rubbish made up by Nats for the use of lying to other Scots. Here is a webpage with that story debunked which also shows a proper copy of the Freedom of Information applied for on this actual question. 
Yet another stunningly ignorant and sickening post from Alison Rollo, wishing illness or death on your fellow human beings is about as desperate a piece of lowlife you can be ...and for what ? Political gain ?  Yet here is the proof  for all to see. 

Sadly for Alison Rollo her assumptions are flawed and she hasn't accounted for individuals finding out that they were lied to by the SNP on the financial facts of Scottish Independence. 

More than a year after the Independence Referendum now and Nationalists still fall for the most childish of deceptions that were simply made up.  Most are simply "invented grievances" made up by people who wanted to deceive tother Scots into voting "Yes" by spinning them Lies.  Are they proud of themselves by deceiving their fellow Scots ?

Alison Rollo yet again knowingly lying to other people , this time on Whisky Export Tax.

                   Alison Rollo must be so proud of herself Deliberately lying to so many Scots  ?

Whisky Export Tax is debunked here

More explanation on the Whisky Export Tax Lie here

Joan McAlpine SNP MSP's Lies on the non existent "Whisky Export Tax"  


Yet again showing she is just one of the "useful idiots" . A Peter ball devotee at that too another of the more deluded Nats who spends his time writing rant essays on many social media spots. If you haven't read them you certainly aren't missing anything at all, just the usual lies and misinformation. Not unlike a Scottish Stasi.

Yet another rant , Nationalists and their Flag Waving

Such a shame Nationalists don't have the intelligence to understand this

The Stolen Seas and Oilfields Lies debunked here 
The "Standard and Poor said Scotland would be rated AAA"  Lie
Another lie this time from "Business For Scotland" who were really SNP pretending to be "Politically Neutral" all along but certainly are not.

All explained as a Lie on this link here 

The SNP front "Business for Scotland" spread many lies which can be read about here .

Includes the "Scotland would be £8.3bn Better off  Lie"

Yet another lie of McIntyre- Kemps recently de-bunked


The "Scotland is sovereign and can legally declare independence whenever it wants" lie


The "Scotlands Oil Revenues" or "Westminster Steals Scotlands Oil" Lie

The lies on "The Vow"

Some examples of the SNP lies on their printed published propaganda they stick through peoples Doors and hand out when canvassing. Explained why they are wrong here


An explanation of why the Scottish Governments GERS figures CAN be believed despite Nationalists trying to lie that they don't not fully reflect Scotlands economy.


What EVEL actaully really does and what it doesn't from an SNP voting Barrister's blog

More explanation of EVEL
Wings over Scotland's  "Wee Blue Book"of Lies designed for diversion and propaganda purposes

and on Pensions
 Three of the best sources for true facts and " Meme Busting" of  Untruths and Downright Lies

 Various Meme Busts and Lies explained.

Really good Online Google Document by an SNP voter who became tried of seeing Lies being circulated

Click here for the online Google Document  

Kevin Hagues Online Videos and Blogs... here is why Kevins stuff CAN be trusted.

Short Video presentations on White Paper and on how the Scottish Economy works

Kevin Hagues Blog Homepage
Alison Rollo has changed her name on FB to Alison Brown but has left her FB profile pics exactly the same then goes on to tell everyone, not the sharpest tool in the box by far !!!  Would suggest that her talk of providing "proof" to FB is nothing but lies too, sure you can change you name on FB a few times a year whenever you like ?  A consummate Liar.
Some people might like to look at the rest of Alison Rollos FB timeline and see just how ridiculous her understanding of "facts" actually is ?!/alison.rollo.9?fref=ts

Her FB friends list identifies some of the most recognised gullible and conspiracy grievance story beleiving/spreading people around on Social media , clearly members of  a "cult" who only believe the stories spread amongst themselves as being "The singular Truth"


Alison Brown attempting to stir up grievance again. Why does she accuse the owner of this website of being "English " when she really has no proof of this at all. Even is so why is this an issue , is Alison Brown showing us that she in merely a bigot with a problem with anyone who is English ? So much for the so called Civic Nationalism ? This is Scottish Nationalism at its best ..stupid ignorant people deliberately trying to spread hate. Take a good look at your self in the mirror Alison Brown.

Extract from the Scotland Act 2016 clearly shows Holyrood cannot be dissolved other than Scots voters making that decision via a Referendum on that specific issue. However that real Fact doesn't stop the ever childishly stupid Alison Rollo (nee Brown) from trying to spread the made up lies that the Tory's (as ever) are trying to reduce Holyrood's powers or close it all together. 
As always Alison Rollo/Brown can be see that she is batshit mad or simply a liar or more likely both.


There are no depths of depravity that a large number of stupid Nationalist's like this one will stoop to. to attempt to create and support their own imagined grievances. The person being pointed out in this picture is NOT Thomas Hamilton.  This is another individual that should be seeking mental help for her delluded ideas.  Another Nationalist FB timeline filled with false propaganda and made up conspiracy theories..what on earth goes on inside the heads of these people ?!/annie.harrowergray?fref=ts 
Another example of sheer stupidity of an FB page of approx 80 members  and so therefore we can only surmise that they actually believe the ridiculous posts as Gospel ?

Click here to see the page 