Wednesday 30 August 2017

Queensferry Crossing / Forth Bridge Scottish Nationalist Bile Festival.

The Announcement of the official opening by Nicola Sturgeon as always has released another tsunami of bile from her own Scottish Nationalist following. In keeping with their tradition their outpouring of whinges is bases on their bigotry and misinformed ignorance.

Apart from actually being built in Scotland , Scots haven't actually had that much else to do with it (See Info Here)

Yet Scottish Nationalist Pat Kane seems to think Scots built the whole think from our own Hands and Scottish resources ourselves which is just childish rubbish.
"As follies go, it certainly is handsome: a third bridge looming out of the Forth, like a giant’s futuristic clarsach. But here’s a killer fact: the Queensferry Crossing isn’t needed."

Pat Kane is one deluded individual.  (See Info Here)

 Take a good look at the embarrassing ignorance of Nationalists here, the Queens Blood line IS Scottish going back to the times of Robert the Bruce.

In the SNP's own proposed constitution for a Independent Scotland , the current Queen and Royal Family would remain as Scotland's monarchy. This can be seen actually on the Draft Document on this link

 Of course these poorly educated Nationalist reprobrates are the shrinking minority in Scotland since the wider Scottish population has woken up to the SNP's continual Lies to Scotland.

The ones shown  below here are seriously disturbed people and yet they get to spread this sort of hate on Social Media ?  Only amongst Nationalists is this behaviour applauded and its no-one but the SNP that has given this sort of Hate a voice.


Why after the SNP Scot Gov was the Bridge built without Pedestrian or Cycleways after all ?
Another SNP failure to live up to their promises.


Below shows one of the information boards on the Queensferry Crossing on the day its is closed for Scots to be able to walk across , yet all Scottish Nationalists with chips on their shoulders can comment on is the use of "London Bus's" to use as a measure of comparison ?

Friday 18 August 2017

Sturgeon sees a problem in being called a Nationalist

So what all of a sudden is the problem with being a Nationalist ? (A Spade is a Spade ?)
What's in a name anyway , isn't it how you behave that matters more than any label ?
Isn't the truth that SNP just behave in the same manner as other Nationalists anyway ?

The American right and Scottish nationalism



Alex Salmond at a Siol nan Gaidheal event..


Saturday 11 February 2017

From Yes to No : A Tale of Three Referendums , Blogs from the Wee Flea

Doing the Rounds on Twitter.

About ‘The Wee Flea’
My name is David Robertson and I am the minister of St Peters Free Church in Dundee Scotland.
I don’t claim any particular wisdom or expertise and value immensely the insights of others.  One piece of advice in reading these – please don’t read between the lines.  I write what I think (at least what is appropriate for the public arena!) and I try not to speak in code!  There is no ‘in between’. Please don’t read into what I say what is not there !

Part 1: The Fantasy
1 : Supporters of Scottish Independence should vote No if there is another Independence Referendum.
2 : The SNP has exchanged the idea of Scottish Independence for the fantasy of the progressive EU.
3 : Independence in Europe is not Independence.
4 : The EU is not the democratic, progressive Nirvana that the SNP propaganda machine and politicians publicly espouse.
5 : An Independent Scotland joining the EU is not the slam dunk deal the SNP keep telling us.
Click Link Below
Archived copy here

Part 2 : The Nightmare 
1 : The SNP has chosen to ignore, mock and abuse, or allow to be abused, Scottish people who do not agree with their stance on the EU.
2 : Too much grandstanding on the world/European stage and not enough practical action on the council estates of Scotland.
3 : The SNP has being an increasingly authoritarian and anti-democratic party.
4 : The Scottish Government has also become authoritarian.
5 : A free society needs a free press
Click Link Below
Archived copy here  
Part 3 : The Dream
1 : Because of its Hubris and Short-Sightedness, the SNP are destroying the dream of Scottish Independence
2 : Such a Parcel of Rogues.
3  I still have a dream.
4 : The SNP should stop grandstanding and being delusional over Brexit.
5 : We need to start using the powers we have.
6 : Can we look for the Scottish Economic Opportunities on Brexit.
7Can we move away from dependence on the State sector, and multi-nationals and can we not encourage small business, local enterprise and local initiatives.
8 : Can we have a greater awareness of our society and cultural heritage and seek to support the greatest traditions of our past – including the centrality and importance of the family.
9 : Can we move away from the increasing centralisation to Edinburgh and Glasgow and instead have a greater re-distribution to local areas, and more local autonomy.
10 : Can we return to the basic principles of the Beveridge report. It set up our modern welfare state to deal with the Five Giants of Poverty, Ignorance, Disease, Squalor and Idleness.
Archived copy here  
Earlier Published Blogs
The End of the Dream : Why the SNP have given up on Independence
 Archived copy here
European Referendum : The Tipping Point
Archived copy here

Tuesday 31 January 2017

Scotland WOULD have to queue up to re-join the EU

02/10/2017   EU statement on Catalonia remaining in the EU 

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14/09/2017 : Scotland is NOT a special case: Juncker delivers blow to Sturgeon's EU independence dream.


From an Article on Fiona Hyslop's recent visit to the EU commissioner  reported on  30/01/2017

Original Article.

The important information from the article is......
"An independent Scotland would join EU queue behind Albania, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Turkey." 

(So Scotland if it were to vote for Independence WOULD have to leave the EU and queue up to rejoin. It would have to also reduce  its financial deficit to  3%   to do so from its current 10% level. This could take 5 to 10 years to re-negotiate)

Straight from the EU MEP's mouth

The original whole article can be read via Google translate here

More Articles on "Scotland in the EU" here :


How other small Independent countries like Scotland  have suffered within the EU

Irelands economy and deficit had to be tackled by the EU, the process caused lots of hardship that still exists years later in Eire. Eire already charges approx 50 Euros just for a GP appointment and the two articles below are very revealing on how difficult life is for a great many people in Eire..a country many SNP MP's suggest as a model for Scottish these articles and think hard.

Greece too has faced real hardships dealing with the Austerity forced on it via the EU to try to get its economy back to a point that is sustainable, that process has included rioting on the streets along with services and pension cuts.



Previous EU letter Stating that only UK is the EU member (signatory) NOT Scotland.
