Friday 29 July 2016

That poorly informed Laser Engineers Scottish Currency Options Paper

Well lets be honest for a start Craig Dalzell  is clearly NOT an economist at all.

His pitiful effort is here and as always the financially illiterate hordes on WingsoverScotland are lapping it up

"An empty Quiver"  indeed as all Craig is doing here is firing dud blanks.

Neil Lovats ripping apart of the Paper. 
Neil is an Associate of the Chartered Insurance Institute and blogs on financial services.

Neil previously debunked Wings Pension "Facts" in his Wee Blue Book" of Lies


Thursday 7 July 2016

This an example of how YES Movement "Activists" deliberately deceive people

See this post  from Facebook Group "All Scotland-Under One Banner " ?

This is what it shows and says

All this really is, is a childish attempt at deception. Desperate pitiful stuff.

1: What on Earth is the Value (or evidence of "proof") of displaying a copy of a page of numbers (dated 1999 !) with no link or proof of the actual source that could in fact have been typed up and printed out by absolutely anyone at all at Home ?

2: "Scotland  is tired  of telling you Scotland subsidies England" ....what rubbish !!!! Scotland's population of approx 5 million people is in no situation to subsidise England's Population of  approx 60 million people, this is just too stupid for words. The admins of this particular group who make this stuff up and post it must be incredibly stupid or perhaps they are children ? The only people telling you rubbish like this are so called "Activists" trying to Con you for there own deceitful reasons.

Scotland itself  had its own Financial shortfall (Deficit) of approx £30 billion pounds in the last two years.

These "Real Facts " can be found for anyone to see on the Scottish Governments own Website by clicking on this link here.

It goes without saying that the Scottish Government's own figures CAN be trusted and the figures given are regularly updated.
The reason these Scot Gov figures and the source data can be trusted is explained here

For another full explanation of Scotland Financial Position and other de-bunking of other scams (like the non existent "Whisky Export Taxes"  and "Oil Revenue" Misinformation ) can all be found on this online Google document

The deliberate misinformation and Errors contained in the Wee Blue Book can be found here

Do you like to be deceived ?  No ? Then why don't you ask this Admins of the FB Group "All Scotland : Under One Banner" why it is they are deliberately deceiving it's members ?
This will not just be a single episode but will be the normal situation with most posts , why do you trust them to be telling you the truth  when they think they have everything to gain by continuing to tell you lies ? (and appear to be getting away with it )






Wednesday 6 July 2016

SNP set to "dump" support for Catalonian Independence "Friends"

 See the original article here

In yet another U-turn the morally empty SNP has decided to abandon support for Catalonian Independence to try to salvage the huge damage it has done to its own small minded and selfish interests. The SNP is going to abandon its line of saying other Countries also have a  right to Independence to focus on its own selfish needs alone.
If any further proof were needed of the SNP's  previous support and indeed involvement and stirring in the Catalonian Independence question it can seen to have been done at the highest levels within the SNP.

En un altre canvi de sentit de l'SNP moralment buit ha decidit abandonar el suport a la independència de Catalunya per tractar de salvar l'enorme dany fet a que té els seus propis interessos afins petites i egoistes. El SNP es va a abandonar la seva línia de dir altres països també tenen el dret a la independència a centrar-se en el seu propi egoista Necessitats sol.
Si alguna d'atracció es requereix facilitar prova de suport i la participació prèvia de l'SNP i de fet agitació en la Independència de Catalunya qüestionar diu veu que s'han fet al més alt nivell dins de l'SNP.
See Alex Salmond encouraging Catalonian Independence here

SNP MP Paul Monaghan is another SNP MP who has been calling for and encouraging calls for Catalolonian Independence for many years. This is now to be abandoned and wiped from SNP history.
SNP MP Paul Monaghan i un altre SNP altra MP ha estat demanant i fomentar les trucades per Catalolonian Independència durant molts anys. Això està ara a ser esborrada de l'abandonada i Història.

The SNP are going to stop this support of Catalan Independence.

Hopefully the Catalonian and Spanish people will now see the SNP traitors for what they are.

Esperem que els catalans i espanyols veuran ara els traïdors SNP pel que són.


No Love for the SNP in Spain


Europe Closes Door On Catalan Separatists, Says They Must Obey Spanish Constitution


The silent majority opposed to independence in Catalonia

The silence of the majority, and its lengthy absence from the public arena, have created the illusion that “a majority of Catalans want independence.” This illusion is shared by the secessionist minority and by observers outside Catalonia.

Yet survey after survey contradicts this view.


See more on Link    UN chief insists Catalonia has no right to claim self-determination


Below can be seen typical Scots Nationalist self righteous behaviour based on their own pre-conceived beliefs that they are always morally correct and therefore better than others to make judgements. Completely wrong this time yet again though as Spain's lawful written constitution voted on by the electorate in 1978 doesn't permit this sort of action.

"Spain cannot apply the United Kingdom’s solution for the Scottish issue: our historical origins and our legal-political systems are different," said a spokesperson for Spain's ministry of foreign affairs. "Spain has a written constitution, submitted to the vote of all Spaniards in 1978 and approved by 87.7% (and 91.4% of the Catalonian voters), which makes the rules of the game clear.

"The Spanish constitution enshrines the Spanish nation as a political and social reality prior to the constitution itself. Therefore, national unity is the basis of our constitution. There are established procedures to amend the constitution. Therefore, in our legal framework, a referendum in the form proposed by the United Kingdom to Scotland would only be possible if the constitution were amended.

"The British case is an exception to an overwhelming majority of written constitutions that do not recognise this possibility. Recent judicial decisions in Germany and Italy have underlined the same constitutional approach as Spain. More concretely, according to Germany’s Supreme Court 'there is no room under the constitution for individual states to attempt to secede'."

All of which shows that all this self-righteous people below are Nationalist fools.
More on Link  Spain has hit back at the Scottish Government





Tuesday 5 July 2016

SNP Cybernat actions and SNP bullying

Too good not to share, just more more pointless hair-brained scheming from Sturgeon. Yet again simply wasting Scottish Taxpayers money on an issue Scotland aleadly voted on.

This is worth giving proper consideration to



