Thursday 8 December 2016

Bridge of Allan and Logie SNP lying on their Connect Newsletter

Bridge of Allan and Logie SNP lying on Connect Newsletter that they are putting through Doors as part of canvassing for next Years council elections

Among many untruths on this page "Whisky Export Tax " simply does not exist it , Scot Gov tell you so on their own Website and can be viewed by clicking here

Lies on Scots Exports passing through other Ports Lie below

Information on "unknow Regions and Hillden GDP Lie below

More explanations on real Whisky Duty can be found by clicking here 

Many other common Lies can be found and debunked here

The Bottom line of course is that if anyone thinks after Ten Years in power the SNP does not  accounted for all Scots finances in the best light possible for obvious reasons then they need to get their heads examined 


Wednesday 16 November 2016

Sunday 13 November 2016

SNP to delay taking on Welfare Powers for at least 3 Years

SNP ‘dragging its heels’ on using welfare powers.
This is just too hilarious and show the SNP to be the totally inept Polical Party that intelligent Scots know them to be .
"Minutes of a recent meeting between the Scottish and UK governments reveal that Nicola Sturgeon’s Government has asked for a delay before powers contained in the Scotland Act are devolved, and for the UK to continue to take responsibility for their delivery for another three and a half years, despite claiming that the current policies are “draconian”." 

Wednesday 9 November 2016

SNP led Scottish Government shoot themselves in the foot yet again.

Once again proof of the democracy inept SNP Government making the wrong decisions

Making inept and rash decisions only to see later that they were mistakes is a trait of the SNP, its  a Government of very little talent and forward thinking, constantly shooting from the hip and making themselves look like the inept idiots they are a short while later. The biggest joke is that they say they are "Better for Scotland", please give the Nation a rest you are just a bunch of complete incompetent useless clowns.

Sturgeons announcement made only one day before the Presidential election
Sturgeon showing her complete lack of scenario forward thinking and democracy yet again. Only fools rush in they say.

Clearly another two ill conceived decisions made on blind personal emotion by Sturgeon that Scotland could pay a heavy price for now Trump has been elected US President. Isn't it time that Sturgeon and the SNP learnt to keep their big mouths shut in the interests of longer term democracy no matter their own personal feelings on matters ? That is the real measure of clever forward thinking Governments , something the SNP and Sturgeon have proven time and time again they certainly are NOT.
"Nicola Sturgeon has joined growing calls for the UK Government to consider barring under-fire tycoon Donald Trump from the UK."
"Ms Sturgeon has already stripped Mr Trump of his status as a GlobalScot business ambassador."

So Sturgeon..You aren't looking so bloody clever now are you hen ?  You are not  real "leader" material and never will be ...far "Too Wee and Too Stupid" in matters of World Politics.
Who is laughing now Sturgeon ?
LOL Indeed , another fine diplomatic mess made by incompetents

Bosom Buddies.
Best of Pals in past times

So are you sure about that ban Pal ?

So who is laughing now then ? "Better for Scotland " you idiot ?

A dangerous deluded fool speaks !!

Oh Dear ?  :-)  Typical from the disaster area that is the SNP.

How about respecting the result of the 2014 Independence Referendum Nicola  ? No ? I thought not. Just the usual platitudes from you as always. The SNP are the say one thing do another party. Cannot be trusted.

Trump’s victory is awkward for all sorts of people. However of all the politicians in Europe my guess is that it is Nicola Sturgeon who is having the worst day.

Her predecessor Alex Salmond was once one of Donald’s besties, but is now in the middle of a nasty public feud with him over his business interests here (Salmond at one point raised all our hopes by promising to move to Antartica if Trump won the US election). But the current Scottish government hasn’t exactly been particularly diplomatic when it comes to Trump either.

Transport minister Humza Yousaf told a Question Time audience last year that he’d punch Trump if he came across him as president (this was the practice question before the cameras started rolling, but it was – to me at least – still pretty shocking). Talk about populism! Humza is one of several ministers who supported a petition to ban Trump from entering Scotland.
And Sturgeon herself? Last year she stripped America’s president-elect of his role as a business ambassador for Scotland. He was, she said at the time, “no longer fit” for the position. She has also broken with protocol by publicly backing Hillary Clinton, and made it clear over and over that she just isn’t that into Trump.

So what now that the US population have decided that while Donald Trump might not be good enough for Nicola Sturgeon he is good enough for them? There’s major back-tracking ahead. But with any luck the Scottish government will have learned something of a lesson too.

Running countries isn’t like having a social media account. Self-righteous virtue-signalling is meaningless on Facebook. But it comes back to bite you if you are a first minister with a real parliament and real responsibilities.

Whole article can be found here

Tuesday 8 November 2016

More WingsOverScotland own trumpet blowing deceit.

The usual "Useful Idiots" falling for Wings Trumpet blowing deceit. 
How stupid are these people that believe his every word ?

Wings posted this article below on 07/11/2016

 Two important things to pay note too.
1: "Since we don't generally do stat posts anymore" is our annual stats post, because we really have to keep blowing our own trumpet and exaggerating how popular we are because we want you to keep throwing more money at us. 

2: "Factual errors identified by opponents: 0 "  Well that is about the biggest lie Stewart Campbell could put on paper and it identifies one thing above all others about Stewart Campbell...just how easy he finds lying to his readership that he doesn't in the slightest see lying to them as an issue,lets face it he has been doing so for long now and they haven't seen through him yet. 

The screenshot above is an extract from that post, lets take a quick look at some of his statements on it.
"Words written: 2,002,353 "  Whether you write 2000 words of false propaganda lies or you choose to write 2,002,353 words of false propaganda lies it does not change the fact that it really is still just false propaganda lies, writing lots and lots of it doesn't and won't ever make it any less so.

"Average monthly readership (unique users) in 2016: 292,388" This seems on first sight an impressive number, however I have seen one of Campbell's inner circle bragging that he uses  10 different "devices" to interact with the Wings website so if every "unique user" were doing the same it would brings his so called readership down to around a much less insignificant 30,000.

Online Website Analytics company shows Wings Readership to be well down than in the past so perhaps his readers are getting wise to the fact they are simply being lied to and abandoning him in droves. This graph show "Website Ranking" both Globally and within the UK with lower numbers being recorded meaning "less popular" and "highest number 1" being the actual best a website could be. 

Even these visitor numbers aren't all they seem to be as according to web traffic,internet specialist and user analytic's experts  Incapsula’s findings, 62.3% of traffic to medium sites like Campbell’s – with 10,000 plus visitors per day – are bots. Or non-human traffic in human speak. When this Maths is done this reduces the "unique visitors" count down to a less impressive 109060 rather than the 292388 he quotes himself. If you then factor in visitors using an average 2 to 3 devices (mobile phone/tablet/computer) rather than the 10 devices his mate bragged about the visitor numbers would be more like 36,353 to 54,530 maximum.
On top of these much lower figures there is evidence of double counting of website hits with website traffic being detected that has been redirected via Singapore and counted again for a second time.
So with double counting taking place so called real "unique visitor" numbers could be as low as 18,186 to 27,265 .  Even  these "unique visitor" numbers if they are more realistic  would mean the actual number of visitors bothering to leave comments would in the range be 0.5% to 0.79%  of visitors for each single post. Does that seem realistic ? From Stewart Campbell's own figures on his average number of "number comments per post" if you chose to consider that 5% of visitors posted comments then that would have to mean only 2880 actually visited each post, if you thought as many as 10% of people commented each time then actual visitor numbers per post would only be 1440. So either the number of "Unique Visitors" numbers are still grossly inflated somehow or else a very small number of "unique visitors" think his posts are actually of any real value to be worth commenting on. If you  look at the comments on each post , there are often multiple comments by the same poster each time which would mean an even lower number of "unique visitors" actually bother leaving comments on posts than even the easy maths suggests.

" Factual Errors identified by opponents: 0 "  This the biggest Lie of all, Stewart Campbell's posts on his website and also both his published books are littered with errors and deliberate misrepresentations and have been identified to him time and time again. This statement by him really just means that although his writings have been identified as being flawed time after time  he simply totally ignores the  fact of being being highlighted as errors at all and won't ever admit the fact that he is wrong on real facts time after time after time. He knows this of course because he knows himself that he is merely a writer of false propaganda pretending to be facts, so why bother admitting you are wrong when your whole aim is to actually deceive people in the first place ?
This award winning respected senior University Economist was one of the first to see through Stewart Campbell's facts as worthless when he read Campbells "Wee Blue Book" , read the full article here exposing both WingsoverScotland and Newsnet as being very poor sources of actual facts or real truthful financial information on Scottish Independence. .

Stewart Campbell has also been exposed for knowingly publishing his "Wee Blue Book" using "old " financial data from 2011/12 when later data was already available for use, the reason he did this was because the later data already showed any financial case for Scottish Independence to be already crumbling away. The Wee Blue Book is littered with lies and misrepresentations that Campbell tries to enforce as "facts", the book really wasn't worth the paper it was printed on when it was printed even less so now when Scotland financial situation has completely changed due to disappearing Oil Revenues. 
Read the whole sorry story of Stewart Campbell and his "Wee Book of Lies" here , his other published book is no less a work of pure propaganda fantasy fiction. 

Merryn Somerset-Webb Editor in Chief on the well respected personal financial advice magazine is another well qualified person who has highlighted Stewart Campbell's deceit of the financial facts of Scotland's economy many times. Campbell never responds to anyone questioning him with honest financial facts only with personal attacks and should ask yourself why that is.

Neil Lovatt properly qualified as an  "Associate of the Chartered Insurance Institute" has also exposed Stewart Campbell's writings on Pensions in an Independent Scotland on the link below. 

Fraser Whyte has also taken Campbell to task on his deliberate misrepresentations on Scottish Infrastructure spending on this webpage. (With some interaction from Campbell himself)

So how on earth can Stewart Campbell suggest that no errors have been ever found or highlighted to him ? 
He cannot , he is simply a demonstrable Liar on this point and he continues to deceive his readership on that point. He knows all his errors well  and refuses to correct any of them. After all would be the point in writing false propaganda if it didn't continue to mislead people ?

More on WingsoverScotland and Stewart Campbell himself can be found here 

Alexa.Com also shows some enlightening data on who and how well educated Wings readers are , perhaps this reveals why some many of them are so easily deceived ?

Wings has taken to making personal attacks yet again on Kevin Hague, this one again yet another hilarious statement to make.  The truth is that the opposite case is actually true as seen from this Youtube radio interview that both Wings and Hague appeared on previously. The evidence is very clear who is the "informed"one  and who is the "uninformed clown" for all to make their own minds up on.   


It looks like the pretend "Reverend" Campbell has been attacking yet another individual without any particular reason , see the  account on Loki's blog here.    Worth a read.  


One of Wings biggest screw ups that demonstrates the problems inside his head was on an article on the Hillsborough Disaster where he personally laid  the blame for all the deaths firmly on Liverpool Fans themselves.
The article can be read here No justice for the 96.

After reading the article itself move down to the added comments where many have condemned his writing and thought process, an issue though that Campbell simply cannot himself see.
The first comment is below.
 "...a petty liberal righty blog that has been reduced to fishing for hits based upon hatred "

Well well, who would have ever thought that very same issue would be the whole basis of existence for the later "WingsoverScotland" website huh ?  

It's worth reading the rest of the comments on the comments to see more people highlighting Campbells obvious personality flaws that he simply doesn't seem to be able to take on board himself at all.
March 2018 Fundraising from the Gullible Clueless Sheep


Friday 14 October 2016

Feeding the Sheep...are Ewe you of them ?

Perhaps the False Reverend is suffering from writers block and can't currently come up with any new made up fiction to feed his worshipper's and wrote this instead.

With no self awareness at all the pretend false Reverend  writes " Extremely wealthy people – just getting into the dinner was £250 – who are doing very well out of the way things are, donating big wads of money to some other people trying to ensure that the rich folk stay that way"  

The false pretend Rev of course won't mention Lottery Winners the Weirs who have now donated at least £2 million to the SNP who have been wooing them at every turn. You can bet the people the false Rev tries to set up as "Extremely wealthy people"  have made their money themselves rather than winning the Lottery.

"LOTTO winners Colin and Chris Weir stepped out last night - as guests of honour at an SNP fundraising dinner.
The couple, who scooped a £161million Euromillions jackpot, were the toast of the evening after giving the party a £1million donation.
While the pretend false REV tries to set others up as "rich and greedy" he of course will never admit to his own well off lifesyle,(much better than his own worshippers) funded by suckers crowdfunding money from his own website, part of that lifestyle can be see here, pot calling the kettle black perhaps do you think ?  
Do users of his website also know how comments on threads are "managed and deleted so that worshipper's don't get to see alternative views or people exposing his stories, that are often just made up lies ? Comments are summarily deleted and the users responsible are blocked, the reasons for this is purely all about control of the people who subscribe to the crowdfunding to enable him to continue lining his pockets with others money. 

Thursday 8 September 2016

Indyref2 lies...written by a Dog.

Paul Kavanagh.. a supposedly grown man blogging as a Dog, the same man that made up the imaginary Whisky Export Tax Lie to deceive Scots. Why then would anyone take anything that a proven liar says as true ?
Paul is merely yet another Nationalist willing to make up false propaganda and lies to fool gullible Scots  to try to make himself famous (and rich) at the same time by selling books full of his make up fantasies.
Are you one of the gullible "useful idiots" that falls for this sort of rubbish ?  You know Dogs cannot write so why believe anything that a supposedly grown man writes "as a Dog" ?

Kavanagh has also tried to help spread the "Scotland pays for London's Sewers" lie around's what Paul Kavanagh does, he just lies to Scots time after time after time. 

The SNP have no powers at all to hold an Indyref2 without Westminster agreement, previous NO voters have a right to having the previous result of the widely accepted "Once in a Generation" referendum respected and it is the job of the UK Government  to up hold the expectation of NO voting Scots who don't want a second referendum at all.

For the first referendum to be held  a "Scotland Bill " had to be passed through UK Parliament and for a second one the exact same process would have to take place as well. This has not been started no matter what the proven liar Paul Kavanagh likes to try to tell people.

More on the real process of Law and the current status of Scotland within the UK can be found here
